Lisa McGarthwaite is a Senior at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Majoring in both Computer Science and Graphic Design, she plans to pursue a Masters Degree in Human-Computer Interaction after her graduation in December. This summer, Lisa was placed with Professor Roberto Manduchi to continue a research project started the previous summer. The tool that they are developing is a navigational aide for the blind/visually impaired. The unique part contribution to research in this area is that they are using a force feedback device. Using the code library provided by the Immersion Corporation, they programmed the mouse to interact with a grid map. Due to the fact that the feedback mouse can only support 20 forces at a given time, the existing code needed updating to incorporate dynamic forces.
With the new algorithms in place, the map could be expanded to any given size, and only the forces that the user was near would be turned on. When the user moved, the forces that were activated would move with him/her. In addition, dynamic sound was added to give the user more information while navigating. As the user moves through the map, he/she can press a mouse button to learn which intersection he/she is approaching or is on. After some initial difficulties, they were able to implement both these features. Future development is planned to add more aides for the user, such as planned routes through the map and more sound clues.